Public letters from the past

These letters include an Epilogue, which is an update written by the original author after receiving their letter from the past. When enough people "Like" a letter, we'll let the author know readers are interested in an update.

Time Travelled — almost 1 year

A letter from Jul 27, 2023

Dear me, dear dear future me, I hope you’re feeling alright. I hope you’ve been cured from depression and anxiety. From your traumas. I hope you still enjoy your lives with your four closest friends, Jade, Eloïse, Léo and Côme. I hope this time, the year went easily. At least, you won’t be alone through hardships this time. If anything goes wrong, you’ll go through this with your dearest fr...

Time Travelled — over 2 years

A letter from Jul 7th, 2021

hai, cebol! haha. gimana? ini udah 17 tahun nambah tinggi gak lu? nambah lah ya harusnya😆 malu sama yg lebih muda. btw udah glow up belum nih? semoga udah lah yaaa masa belum sih. jadi gini, ini kan hari sepesial dalam hidup lu kan ya, nah lu diucapin hbd sama siapa aja hari ini? ada yang ngasih kado ga nih kayanya nggak sih😂 btw gimana? udah nemu cowo baik belom? kalo belom yaa, yaaudah gapa...

Time Travelled — 6 months

cool beans

Dear FutureMe, whats up dawg. its november 5th 2023 1:30 am ish. im going to send this to me in 6 months. idk really how to do this so whats up dawg. youre probably still online schooling. im actually supposed to be doing that right now. i wonder if youve gotten a car yet. i hope my dad gives me his. im really worried about being and adult. im 17. and still am in 6 months. my main hobby right ...

Time Travelled — 5 months

A letter from February 21st, 2021

Mirate ya,16 años ¿fue difícil? Tal vez,ahora estás centrado en tus estudios Sé que te encantaría estar con ella para disfrutar esto pero está bien,las cosas pasaron por algo y dejame decirte que la vida te depara muchas oportunidades campeón Es tu día así que pasalo como a ti te guste,eres una persona increíble. ¡Feliz cumpleaños!(comete esa torta ya,no antojes 😠)

Time Travelled — about 1 year

A letter from Apr 05, 2023

Dear FutureMe, How's everything? Are you still alive even? Did you stop cutting yourself? Hows's blahaj? Is it still strong? Heh i rlly want to kms, i hope ur ok ig, lmaoaoaoaoao i dont think orella's still there is she? Did u grow your hair out? Oh and are you still into guitar? How's your band? I hope you're alive bro OH YEA HOWS BUBBLE? IS HE HEALTHY???? does he still like shrimp? Hows his ...

Time Travelled — 12 months

Current state of 🧃 affairs

Dear FutureMe, This website looks different from when I last visited it. Happy 3rd(!) anniversary of joining the one server! Writing about this is a cute exercise, but just like last year I'm scared that we won't be friends anymore by the time I receive the letter and I will just end up making myself terribly sad. unhé I missed the date this year due to not seeing the 2nd anniversary l...

Time Travelled — almost 3 years

A letter from Jul 26th, 2021

Dear FutureMe, now I mean; I always believed that people will be good; how can they be bad when we are kind to them how can they be bad or not help when we help them how can they leave when they ones promised and stood as a mirror for ourselves how can they easily forget when I wrote emails everyday to her no one is good; no one I don't know; I understood it within last 2 weeks all pe...

Time Travelled — 12 months

A letter from Jun 1st, 2022

Tal vez algun día nos atrevamos a hablar de esto, de quien se equivoco, de quien lo hizo mal y de quien no hizo nada. Tal vez algun día te pida perdón o lo hagas tu de manera honesta. Tal vez algun día ya no te extrañare más o pensar en ti no revolvera mi estomago. Tal vez algún día mi corazón deje de estar roto, porque se siente como si estuviera roto aunque solo fueramos amigos. ...

Time Travelled — 12 months

A letter from Jul 23, 2023

Hi! I hope a year from now you'll be okay :) but, I know you will be. You are are so strong... I'd never thought we'd be able to survive our heartbreak from 3 years ago, but we did! And now we are experiencing it again. But, it is different now. It doesn't hurt as much as it hurt the first time. I didn't cry as much as I did. Though now I learned to take it all out through liquor...

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