Public letters from the past

These letters include an Epilogue, which is an update written by the original author after receiving their letter from the past. When enough people "Like" a letter, we'll let the author know readers are interested in an update.

Time Travelled — 3 months

A letter from May 02, 2023

Dear FutureMe, happy birthday! im using to write this. youre 14 now! i wish i could get you something. try not spending these 400 shekels in your safe, thats my gift. im writing this at 5/2/2023 (duh) 7:44 PM. i guess you can start E now? congrats! i also wanted to say that im proud of you. youve probably come even farther then where i, you, we are right now! currently in the luz...

Time Travelled — almost 5 years

A letter from November 23rd, 2018

Dear FutureMe, 五年后的惠妮 你好 今年是你二十七岁了吧 不知道你进来生活如何 五年前 的现在也就是今天我给你写信的时候 这时的我 虽说近来日子没有什么大的不愉快 还算过得去 但是心里总是乱糟糟的满满地对未来的彷徨失措 不知道五年后的你还会这样吗 五年后 你应该工作有三年了吧 很辛苦吧 离三十岁之前买房子的愿望近了吗 很抱歉呀 给你压力了 对了 八卦的问下 你不会还是单身吧 单身二十七年的话 你真的很棒哦 五年的时间 可以发生很多事情吧 有好的有坏的 不知道你现在性格有什么变化 有变沉稳了吗 对了 还有你的字还是那么难看吗 嘻嘻嘻 B̆̈ĕ̈ h̆̈ă̈p̆̈p̆̈y̆̈. ​​​ 不知道写啥了:送你一段话吧 很多人都急,但你不要急。不要每天都垂涎着别人展现出来的优渥生活,然后觉得自己的存款应该多那么几个零。 有多少能力就有多少存款,你没被命运...

Time Travelled — 23 days

A letter from March 29th, 2024

Dear FutureMe, 嘿生日快樂🎂恭喜18歲啦!記得小時候的我每天都期待的跑去問媽媽:「媽媽~離我生日還有幾天呀?」每天倒數著日子,迫不及待地等著那天來到。但,不知道為什麼現在的我只要一想到快18歲了,就很緊張,不清楚是焦慮還是期待。我覺得更多的是心裡的徬徨與未知。許多的責任要自己擔起,未來的路該往哪兒走?大學讀哪?……17歲的妳正遇叛逆的青春期,心底充滿了好奇,做錯了許多事情,讓爸爸媽媽很擔心、很傷心、很生氣。但我發現我錯了,應該好好愛他們,聽話,愛自己的單純,而不是汲汲營營地成為 世界想要妳成為的樣子。怎麼一轉眼就18歲了?18歲的妳不要再依賴人,而是要學會依靠上帝。當感到孤單時,就學習與自己相處,花時間寫寫日記,和自己說說話;當沒動力時,回想上帝給妳的使命,妳想成為什麼樣的人;當不知道未來的路時,就禱告問上帝。無論遇到什麼艱難的情況都要繼續愛上帝,並相信!加油!「你們...

Time Travelled — 9 months

A letter from Jul 31, 2023

heyy futureme!! so rn im sitting on the soccer chair from my childhood that has been in my room for months now. but today is only the second time i decide to sit on it. and its so comfy??? for a chair meant for toddlers in the corner of my room wedged between my piano collecting dust and my backpack with a cookie from the beginning of summer rotting in there, it is my new favorite place to sit...

Time Travelled — over 2 years

A letter from Aug 16th, 2021

Dear FutureMe, leia essa carta ouvindo a playlist: JUST LET ME ADORE U <3 oie, bom, estamos a exatos 1 ano e 5 meses de pandemia e consequentemente de quarentena também...esse ultimo ano não foi nada fácil, sinto que não sai do lugar em certos aspectos e em outros sai completamente da minha zona de conforto. Nem sei por onde começar, 2020 foi o ano mais difícil de toda minha vida e eu falo ...

Time Travelled — almost 1 year

A letter from Apr 21, 2023

Dear FutureMe, I'm writing this from my desk in Art. I'm leaving school in literally three hours. I simply can't believe it. I can't process it. Why do I have to leave all this behind? Why do I have to grow up? I am so devastated and my heart aches. I'm not ready. How am I supposed to continue after leaving all my friends behind? I just wish I could stay with them forever. I'm the only one i...

Time Travelled — almost 1 year

A letter from Apr 18, 2023

Dear FutureMe, gowd ***. Don't do weed. so anyway I was hosting a party at popi's house and... well I smoked with Saige, Taye, Nathan, and Aidan, and gowd I got ****** up..... like I was full-on thinking that things were replaying and ****. and like my entire vision was tilting to the left? and it was like my brain was lagging trying to process what I was seeing..... so Mom found out the nex...

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