Time Travelled — almost 3 years

A letter from February 26th, 2018

Feb 26, 2018 Feb 26, 2021


Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, This year i started my business Remind me how far i reach after 3 years.


20 days later

for the past 3 years, a lot of challenges and changes happened,...

I koski an ieitctnekg burrge niptgrni a ,tnsad atsdert rli,aien ,vsiecre dan odof. Noe ont uro atheorn hte tcyi etakmr hpeo gorw ofdo rbachn fdoo to @ culscesfsu dna hesot on utop steor show naer the okisk ilke seibsusn i 5 rrtaentsau wlli wrgo wheroev ogrwgin sfat oru i rn,siscep its a erya ohpe it aazarabt, su 1022 pocolianb freta in dnoepe onw pruote ro m@s onepde noheart nnnrgui in ingta @ tsih tpypor,er esy,ar ti liooil uoshe eth lilw is liart. .
Veeirdyl rudylna phpane mreo isltl eisecrv loev nad og to ti ouy eekp meka ir,ecesv pnliangn eavh 💪💪💪 slfe infigthg a.

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