Time Travelled — 2 months

A letter from August 30th, 2017

Aug 30, 2017 Nov 13, 2017

Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, I believe three things that a great teacher should be is: 1) commitment I believe a teacher has to be fully committed in providing their students the best possible education. Committed to the subject and committed to the students. 2) analytical and systematic education A good teacher will analyze their students prior grades and progress, develope a start point that all students can begin with, and develope a lesson plan that will see them through to the end that they can understand and retain. 3) knowledge and understanding of individual students Know your students individually, their home life and if they have a support system from parents or relatives, and a positive attitude. Find out what their goals are in life and education. A good teacher will realize that students are not equal in the speed in which they learn and retention. Each has their own story which may include family, financial and or social difficulties which can affect their school work and attendance. My three preconceptions of teaching are: 1) there will not be enough hours in a day 2) classroom control is just discipline and organization 3) knowing I am not going to get rich by teaching My three preconceptions about my students are: 1) basically all students want to learn 2) there will be a few students that will require special attention 3) students are shy at heart. They don't like talking about themselves or their personal issues to an adult stranger. It may be like pulling teeth to find out what is distracting them or holding them back. My three challenges I predict are" 1) feeling secure enough with my teaching ability 2) learning the difference between knowing when a student just doesnt care enough to learn, and those that have family, financial, and social issues.

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