Time Travelled — almost 8 years

A letter from August 4th, 2014

Aug 04, 2014 Aug 04, 2022


Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, Hello. How are you? Right now I am at SFO, or San Francisco International Airport. I'm not sure where the O from SFO comes from. In SFO time, it's 11:19 AM, but in China time, it's 2:19 AM, so I am really tired. I mean, REALLY TIRED. I think I will go have a cup of Peet's coffee in a bit or so. I find it kinda interesting that China doesn't have time zones, but at least people don't have a problem with feeling jetlagged when they travel to different parts of China. I am very jetlagged. As you can probably clearly tell. Blah blah blah BLAH BLAH ehm hem --> this reflects my mental state Um, anyway. Our flight layover is approx 6 hours, which I thought was kinda long, so I wanted to take BART into the city (or at least to somewhere more interesting). BART is really expensive, though-- $15 round trip for San Bruno, the closest stop. That's kind of ridiculous. In Shanghai, taking the subway cost about 2-4 yuan per trip, I think, and $15 USD would last you a long time on the subways. Light Rail in Denver only costs about $4 round trip, I think, so $15 is seriously overpriced. Oh also our flight to San Francisco had wifi! Not free though-- you had to pay about $17 for wifi access during the whole flight. I feel like the demand for wifi access on an airplane flight is pretty elastic, though, (considering that people are already used to not having wifi on airplane flights) so I think the price is a bit high. I'd predict that it (the price of wifi access) will drop in the next few years, though then again, as the world is becoming more dependent on the internet, the demand for internet usage on planes might increase, which would lead to increased prices. Also, there's inflation to think about. Anyway that is all my brain is capable of (semi-)coherently producing. I think I will go eat lunch. Bye bye bye bye byeeeeeee.


1 day later

Dear PastMe,

It's really strange to peek into the mind of myself from 8 years ago.

Speaking of SFO, it might interest you to know that I (you?)...

Lvei itparro suhc olegnr bay ghshi'asan fos emytsry hyw raea! ni ni culaatly eth an e'shter si wyh si vpg reyttp won neiledirgbw no lils)t ahgothu(l si o a lcleda.
Lla glthifs er new a iscpre ifiw on enev oenrlg ihlfstg owl a'tren taht fwii hohtug si on no gi,hnt etatrninlioan pcr,sei. Eb aerphce mseo dna iwif iifw eutjlb)e onw ot ke(il on eref isrelain dsetn effor lhit,sgf csteidmo. So tib eitm si erh'tes ulxuyr a aresno elypahc of iwif ugess ti a lshfigt no ipcer i ot on. In oyu stju usoucri rwee saec.
Doog also 'yveuo athn nda era wsya aer b,e das atth emos a htta sude a ni ibt ni ot oesprn etnerifdf uoy eyrv msoe mecobe. Srnleapo eahdivec ol,myts the all i'm orwhgt ouprd 'oyvue trpeyt fro yuo fo. Os epho ,oto uoy be dpour onaryem roue'y fi nto ialecitdis wluod enve i.
Yevr oenprs 'yuoev i ogrnst meeocb a hitkn. Btu hktni os nto rtgiyn is htsign ouy bset seya i yu'reo eht ielf neo tuaob atth yaawls eben ou,y sah fo to.
Dan nmeiraptco cer-esfla aenrl thta l,etret ssnelo of ktanh you ngtkai pheo onos the uoy orf i het ehl)iw alrelc (i a. A ernargddu oot enjoy ieavn to ileotxp oyu era try ont let fehrs cgeel,ol plpeeo ewhn ouy myan dan. Greaa)tud [] tmsie yuo lliw oasl yuo anmipttro reaft oenrps uory hsrecih an( eemt twhi.
Ouy arpk vhea ,ayw yb iobtinc in hasc 2021 teh rbfeeo nay.

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