Time Travelled — almost 10 years

A letter from November 13th, 2011

Nov 13, 2011 Nov 13, 2021


Peaceful right?

Happy 70th birthday. It's a Sunday, and I'm typing this sitting on the green couch in my living room on Beechwood, and it's around 9:40 a.m. Mr. Bird was singing earlier, and NPR is on the radio. Later today my pal Bob and I will be putting winter tires on our cars, and we'll be going to Charley's Crab for dinner this evening. I feel pretty good about turning 60. I'm in good health, have some good friends, a job I enjoy, fun car to drive, and don't look too bad for 60. I'm looking forward to going to New Zealand next March, and if I can manage to drop 40 pounds by then, I'll be looking for a late 80s - early 90s Porsche to buy when I get back. I'm not wanting for much, but it would be nice to be someone's sweetie (although it seems things are picking up with Dan now that he's quit drinking). Where will I be at age 70? Will I be living in Washington State as I have planned? Will I still be enjoying good health? I anticipate a lot happening this next decade, and am looking forward to it.


about 1 month later

It's Christmas Eve, 2021, over a month after I turned 70. I am in my 8th decade.

In the summer of 2019, I sold the house on Beechwood to J,...

In ni het uonyg when owh mveod asw anm rpsedia i slitl. Ni na for sryea ittravacte i a i eaar nodco ofdun nmay btoghu. Niivlg ni ofr raeys oemr tnha a heer otdn' i 8 all it was ,lla odgo raenoht ntaciietpa utb omev.
Col,sde foeerb arbc i c'arsyleh soldce btu tih thkin codiv eyht.
Zendaal saw ulbsouaf enw. I dha swhi e!tdasy.
Get a idd 191 rveen. Het gnrnrgbuiru vdrie idd btu ni 2102 i.
Nad ogt i grheotet adn ckab. Abpukre hda a to otok sseoiur traef we imh i waihia. Asw it -hreostlidv. Htat ew akbc koebr egaedr got ti eb we it if getrthoe, we pu ag,ain tye oberef wdlou. Atth yad mlmeoari 4021 dweekne enhapdep. Nda ibduasrgv edowod aeg,rth thye arf uheos ogbhut ni as acn eoemedltpnv a lksoo i rrmidae it a ekli as e'hs in. And to a ewfi ibnlaairr sude his be.
Si rr& im' nda nnatowshgi m litsl aer, ni ont kndlaao lilst lginvi in utb. I gihrlenkytabat nhsuiog oelv the tub fo erteh ot scto udlwo ltcoys is ovem. Do sa - my nad tigynr sa to 4 yb yhtaleh yats at,rp ognl acn mi' i gnawilk. 5 smeli ti ubt el)lw giadnopt a rpe oh koto aesbdiet yda nda ayts l'il taht get - hatt a me od to to -despantbla rehe edit scaer s(da. Iesdseb, ekli hree i my ilfe. Tge uwdlo oerlw dneo uhatghol i ym isdl ekli to.
Yam mhj ot ywa m,rs k,f igolonk hinigk 2220 ,ms eht in arordwf adn htwi im' dctolosw. Dha it doebok oliaygnril eesl 0022 asw rpti nacdecel eieghytrvn ubt we orf hte kile. 202,2 glinlwi lti'l ni lohp,yeulf cidvo neahpp. God say, to eleppo wlngiil edus. Heacgn itesm. Veor igiwrtn at nketa dan amrhcssit rnvatie the roanhte ioncrmo ihst 'sit cdovi ash. Xnte fordwar edaecd tub the im' ,eyt inkgolo ot. Ll,eitgn sure tll'i be for ath'ts.

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