Time Travelled — about 11 years

Happy 40th Birthday

Apr 11, 2007 Apr 22, 2018

Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, I hope that you get this note, and that you are still having your old academicaddress forwarded to wherever you are now. I am writing to you on the cusp of my 29th birthday, and a life that is full of anxiety. I hope that you have a job that you like, and a nice house like I've always dreamed of. After all my years in grad school and trying to orchestrate the job search so carefully, I hope that things have begun to work out. I think that 11 years later you should be fairly settled? Most importantly, I hope that you are still happily married, and have finally had the children I really really want. Every day I think about having a baby, but feel that the time isn't right. I hope that by age 40 I've made the right time. Hug your kids today for me! And especially give Chris my love. Right now, I am very much in love with him and he is the most important thing in my life. I fear the stress of searching for jobs and trying to kickstart careers will take it's toll on that relationship. Please tell me I'm wrong. Tell me the uncertain years have only made us stronger. Lastly, remember yourself at 29. I exercise regularly (go to the gym today!), watch what I eat (eat a salad!), and am probably at my best possible weight at 113lb. We just got back from a trip to Ireland with my parents, which was fun although a bit nerve-racking. Call them today to say hi (or talk about them if they are gone). We are living in the one-bedroom condo, and I am desparate for a big house but trying to enjoy the short commute and easy house-cleaning! Morrie is the best cat ever, and I am about to go home and pet him and get ready for hosting book club with good friends such as Danielle, Jen, and Cindy. Have a happy birthday, and enjoy life!

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