Time Travelled — almost 1 year

A letter from Apr 18, 2023

Apr 18, 2023 Apr 18, 2024


Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, gowd ***. Don't do weed. so anyway I was hosting a party at popi's house and... well I smoked with Saige, Taye, Nathan, and Aidan, and gowd I got ****** up..... like I was full-on thinking that things were replaying and ****. and like my entire vision was tilting to the left? and it was like my brain was lagging trying to process what I was seeing..... so Mom found out the next day. I couldn't stop twitching so we went to the er and well apparently it was laced with Benzos, and that brings out a lot of neurological issues so I've apparently always had tourretts but it brought it out stronger. but it does make sense cause I do these weird ticks sometimes and it gets worse when I think about them and when I'm stressed so I always just thought that it was caused by stress. nope. anyway, Mom took my phone but it's kind of nice that I don't need to worry about checking anything or constantly getting distracted. ya, that's kinda it. bye -Onyx, 15, 9th


6 days later

wow, well its funny that im SUPER...

A lerpy nwrtiig ihlwe dna anegdir dsoetn siht. . . . Lwle ,reh meodv hntoms ayet now giesa os geasi hntana osme nda tsi atcn gao taey tbu a waya etha wfe !ih vaeh aceh gsthni era nda ok nda l,ol i tehro ees pedneaph, tanidg. Nda auarjyn mi' imh inismsg iefshlm ni ****** lyaler ndiaa. Indk eyb tash't al,l fo.

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