Time Travelled — over 1 year

A thank you note for holding on <33

Dec 20, 2022 Apr 30, 2024


Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, I hope this letter reached you. I hope you are a bit happier. I hope you’ve learnt to be contend on your own. I hope you have moved on. I hope you're reading this letter because that means we didn't give up. THANK YOU FOR NOT GIVING UP. I'M PROUD OF YOU... Happy Birthday to us. I love you 💜🦋


11 days later

You're welcome...

Sfel olerd ym. Egvi we ddi not up ye,s. Seacu atht enver orhtw saw it. Vuridevs ym lvu ew. I lveo ouy.

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30 days ago

this is so lovely to read :,) proud of you, internet stranger <3

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