Time Travelled — 6 months

A letter from Jul 15, 2022

Jul 15, 2022 Jan 15, 2023


Peaceful right?

Dear bestie, Hi Kiki! It’s currently July 15th, 2022. You just got off call with Steven to start your day and your laundry got picked up because you haven’t gotten replacement laundry machines yet. Hopefully you’ve gotten that fixed by now or we are spending SOOOO much money. Hopefully you have Stetson by now and are looking into schools so you can get out there. It’ll be nice. Massage school is what we’re thinking right now, but maybe you’ll get into a different trade. It’d be cool to go to real college, if the money allowed. Right now we just bought tickets to arizona and booked our first hotel for our anniversary with Steven. Our phone is still in its last legs so TELLL ME you’ve replaced it or something. Tell Steven you love him more than anything, the way you do right now. Talk to the players union and tell them how much you honor their time and friendship. I miss dad a lot, and I hope you still miss him but less painfully. You’re gonna do great, bestie, I just know it. Do it for both of us.


18 days later

Well....no dog. No school. But Steven...

Levo llsit we'er ni erhe, dan is very. Viomng imss on mih sadd' ti's os nnalnpig db,hyirta in tlo a i rthot!eeg od wee'r. . . . Ew otu wef wsih had a ustj woredk sitghn i.
Gwonrki laeylr arhd 'veew eben. Isx onmtsh ewlho. Wwo. .
Lsilt tgo hsit we. Do nngoa re'we grtae. Us nyrgit for m'i of istll hobt.

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