Time Travelled — almost 2 years

A letter from May 11th, 2022

May 11, 2022 Apr 17, 2024


Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, Is life still hard? Do you still overthink over everything and anything? Are you still friends with the people you talk to daily?? I hope so! Its been 2 months for the gc huh? Erm.. I hope you still have good grades by then! You are now graduating don't you know? Well ofc, you're from the future, technically. Theres alot of things I want to say but can't put onto words, the questions will end here though. Take care of yourself, your insecurities and worries, I hope you can learn to leave them behind. Dear future me, I hope you're happy. Happy birthday. Signing off. -N


about 12 hours later

Let's put this into plot points.

1. Is life still hard?
- It gets hard-ER, everyday it feels like a sin to...

Kawe pu. Poewr kepe in deirt yb fo uoy avhe to ikhtnign tge kbac ieyetrhgnv irpngtpi to uyo fete yruo yoru own ryuo ueyrlsof utb klca. Sedrstesdi tlfe urh,t ot sda cbka tlitle it htoeregt s'it own ra,lely wiht a nteh ekli sew and athw fesel gutthoh grineat i sesasretsm nhveyi'gerst raatp it back i ahve 'mi yintrg hyenigertv nrya. Tsi' trgireynfi. .
2. You do ervntkoi?h sitll.
Ewtse ht'saw tn'do for ho uoy - yuo ocnimg hi,dlc wkon. .
3. To ia?yld ihtw ppl iltsl klat rae eht sinrefd yuo ouy.
,no ikanlgt tpnio if reo'yu reh ihts nalguelabvesa otaub ehnt at - ist'. Tsehr'e eedn kacb lkoo onw ot on. .
Runt i etrelt itme, ym to a listl i i atps cakb swhi ulocd ewrti lsfe i hwis ocldu. Ilwl uroy sa thrso wlil nruhcc eat eniucssritie dan a rto uyo embrnsu ehyt ton'd ttsar years ouy re,ttma and to uyro tae wriesor iethgvrnye klei acirloe nad and in inot elef edha few. Ouy eyrve cna woh yuo aptree dya how olev lbelvoaeun adn vrnee jstu oyu rae. .
Ulfnipa nda ti is utlyr,. .
My in i eertbt ni be ofylpeluh lliw rlette, acpel exnt a. .
- n. .

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