Time Travelled — almost 14 years

letterrrr written years ago from future websiteee

Jan 02, 2006 Jan 02, 2020

Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, wow, this website is so cool! so today is the last day of vacation, winter break 2005/2006. i miss furby so much. he tells me he is in love with me and sounds it. i used to really be in love with him, i swear for awhile i thought he was the one i was going to marry. now he seems to really be in love with me but im not sure if im in love with him. im also not sure if he means what he says. when we're on the fone talking, and i laugh when he asks me a serious question, he'll say sam, this isn't funny do u think this is a joke and sometimes hes like are u playing with my heart and emotions. i really like him, hes such an amazing guy but the relationship is so hard because of distance. i wonder when i recieve this on jan 02, 2007 if we are still together and as close. i feel we will be. we talk hours every day its incredible how close are relationship is. let us be together <3 eNd oF 10Th gRaDe 05 tiLL dEaTh dO uSs pArt <3 i Love yoU babyY

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