Time Travelled — 12 months

A letter from January 16th, 2021

Jan 16, 2021 Dec 31, 2021


Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, I am thankful for losing weight. I am thankful for becoming TikTok famous. I am thankful for being popular. I am thankful for get in the house I want. I am thankful for having a lot of money. I am thankful for my boyfriend. I am thankful for all of my friends. I am thankful for being pretty. I am thankful for going to the countries i’ve been. I am thankful for getting my nails done. I am thankful for being allowed to fake tan. I am thankful for being allowed to wear makeup.


4 days later

Your lose a little bit of weight. Your not TikTok famous.your kinda popular but it’s confusing. You didn’t move...

Swa ti for bste smrfo ubt het. Uyo omney eahv a lot fo otd’n. A you yebdnirfo evha. Losa tbu ehva tsta’h fnsderi yevr yuo dimaelotpcc reyv. Uoy dha uyo era prytte pu a wlog. Eceabsu fo ivdoc to go dn’tid nrameoy ouitrsenc you. Liasn oyu oury ogt node. To tan oyu rea fkea ulaod. Odlau ot ear yuo rewa kupmae. Aephpn btu hits int’dd u wdtane koya but a hhtgrou lto ghntis aenrlt we its’ a epnpha yera a we hswen’ fo tlo cbseuae lto to teh. A iton tog ifgth we. Uor lal ew lsto irdenfs. We eouhs meovd. So holsco ahdte we cmhu. Eth dasi evrne we we doluw girl we ecmaeb. Seulrfo we lsto. Cmashto ahd ew brlmopse. Adb tenw telmna ehhatl our. Hatt nhtiervgey ’itsn puptlyaroi mrbeerme tbu ilwl i lysaaw. But ew and go ifle taht to we ogrw dan nearl oneprs ot ew be ebaescu eht us si notw’ eht wysaal be wya yssme gcixneit oayk ghtsni dna tsth’a help lwil awtn. .

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