Time Travelled — 12 months

A letter from August 15th, 2020

Aug 15, 2020 Aug 15, 2021


Peaceful right?

Dear Future Me, I am writing this on Saturday the 15th of August 2020 at 5:47 pm, in the midst of a pandemic after bombing my A-Levels. Life right now is very repetitive, friends are being weird, i cant get a job, i feel kinda depressed all the time. I hope things are better in the future. Questions I have for myself: - Did you end up getting into uni of kent? - If yes, are you actually going to go? - Did you get a job or apprenticeship? - Did you learn to drive? - Did you make any friends - Are you happier now? - Did you ever lose weight lol? - Are you still into the same music? - Are you and Jordan still together? (I rly hope so) - How's life after corona? - What was the first gig back like? - Have you crossed off much of your bucket list? - Stop whatever you're doing right now and listen to your August '20 playlist, and drink a diet coke if you can - Hope u got ur period lol - Do u still stan inhaler? or run the account? Can't think of anymore questions but those are the main things. Relationships and the future. I'm scared of losing everything. Mostly i'm scared of losing Jordan, he's the only good thing I have right now so please take care of him. Hope you're well...hope you're better. Love, Past Me x


2 months later

Hi 18 year old me!
This is you replying to, well, you on the day before your 20th Birthday! (so a little bit later than you had wished for sorry,...

Oyu etahr foervgi hepo me ot dfin ni ruyo can ti. . . Y?u)o.
Nwo feil rthgi bretet si. Dah mdardee i t'si eebttr of sya ct'na ew 'ist vytienhreg btu.
Estisun:qo nwyaay, iptrmoant ryou rvey os lal ehva to i rsasnwe hte.
Edn did ew tgteing - iun! pu noit.
Ew took wsn'at we eeorbf abrblpoy a wihch esdartt yanwy)a tuo dprnpgio aye"r - us drtune fro gpa" eenv into (niu.
Both gto dna 6 a emht an hmostn we quti fo ,aehc utb aahh aitepcpniprshe boj - nda ehadt nwhiit ew.
Cnsei nsosesl luitn estt yr,brufae yam - vghnia tsni' we dgoo ngtetig yutoltanurfne ubt have our giindvr rae neeb ta i!t laelyr nda.
Nya het adn aemk grgnowi rfo nseo ecols sti' we hte we - blpboyar dnefr,si tub are i'ddtn vahe, we new frmo tbse ratap.
Uustga - ew wno 2200 'ndouwlt aphrepi eerw i say etniyldife we ear btu we %100 hnat ni rea payph.
- but chihw lost si gwtihe ew srnrsugipi llynt,itonaueinn.
Ot we eusd oemr ryea os all aevh lsilt mzgnaai ew evol iucms adbns and siht - maes drvcdeoeis humc eht apts.
In we haev coulep j!rdnao had phtecas isllt a e!elvoee nad we - ohatlugh ogruh aer are whti ew even ofcyfailli esmo era.
We - so yaphp i wlsla mnaorye is kctus ni fuor ttha ocanor ma aen'tr ifel taerf ): toesh teeeeseewe!.
Never tbu irstf swa the igg akcb imoegnhst uto het hhicw htughto dkckie is i lol to ggi oulwd aler we tgo swa ritfs c,iaslpe mnoeghits nrduk su ginbe tnase"cd"id cbka for happen - oot rycza!.
Eubckt - mhuc tbu fof eistm o)ot ew n(ad oscdsre sa 4 i!lts eth e'etryh tsi' odgo rome vhea sa ew ont had igmtenosh onse pdheo.
Edit btu avhe is mkgani tsguua isht - oyrrs ipslatyl i cyr koec em no.
At )own slta lamntpi eropisd - nhet ikle semak 2 got ew chhwi ogt het rfo (adn mite rome ynam ehtm a ekews.
Mhte oalguthh lnglofiow ters anf tlclauay to we onw dail (r ujst we the otcunac tlsil on hnsfdeii lveo hinlr!ea o!rtu! - bnee hsa. I. P).
Of erac nca limhfse teak ndojar. 'otdn you wyrro.
Adh rlfuesyo stnpe tiem i tath yuo hsiw of anktgi emor neadits arce.
Yhngeerivt but etbtre enhgeyvrti pfrecet s'itn si.
Are os rtebet we ucmh. Nwrog so ew evah much.
Lfie orf uyo ni tge eehr egplhni em taknh.
Ufertu x uyo.

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