Time Travelled — over 1 year

A letter from May 25th, 2020

May 25, 2020 Oct 25, 2021


Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, Hey Girlie ! I hope you have the phone you wanted to buy by now. I hope you and jordan are thriving. You should have an amazing SAT score. It's your senior year ! You're a working gal and hopefully your skin is a lot clearer than now. I know life is a bit rocky right now but things WILL get better. Hopefully the curve for the virus is more flattened and that the bit of hair you cut a bit too much of has grown back just a bit. You got this Leo ! Right now I'm in bit of rut, the pandemic is still at large but you just got that job so thats cool. Dad's still kind of a butt but it is what it is. I'm currently on my sad little laptop and my skin is looking not so great. I miss jordy a lot and can't wait till I see him again. I definitely need to exercise more and clean my diet just a bit. From Leo (052520)


1 day later

Hey leo, it's been a little over a year. You are no longer in that relationship with jordan, and you were delusional thinking that that was gonna work. But you...

Enwk oyu uoy teh yay,wna ofr donw tlosegn t'ddin llo ot pu datewn kbaer mih keil ahtt adn edpe imh ahtt itwh. Ewrg venuen aihr seur a,kbc it sto'edn eesm atht 'mi. It dn'to enotylsh asw hwta my tpar reermmeb ehda fo i. Mih eebscau dma real llac mkeas uryoe' hmi vloe maen hmi so lol nda his ta ni chmu ti youe'r bteetr won thkin n'otd uoy even a ihtw a,rbe even hriinetaoslp uoy imh. Eevr ajdnor nath hcmu ,htwi wthi so nneayo hpreaip imh nlnigcdui oevy'u nebe yru'oe. Uoy kiel veen mhi soelyhtn tidd'n. Tidd'n od the but oned on 'eodlucv you tetber uoy rteierbl at,s. Nleogr wno no evha neiohsraplit esumrm etarpns 'ryoeu eht over nda letecopmyl ): cgoelle tehy ! hte royu yuo at kwedecr ruye'o hme,o ni iwth adh. They roev vdreeols ywaa ughoth ya,aw elcpymlteo the is rmfo it nvee iwll nigownk hetm ouy vener yuo hrinete gte pte,nasr gte isth oll edvsuenrol auartm llwi hurst stlil nvere tub go ,ti oury ienhglp temi ubt. ,gsecrienix not urye'o hte tbu lasecter esyhnlot a ilslt dan aws tol msteebepr alts is sink oyur l,recrea. Eth cegello oll fstruse,ls adn nto ncletsea tide si ryuo is itfldieeny. Geroadat owl, terpyt ash kdrin oblod of uory os otl a you rpeesurs nebe. Eath be to evne ithaygnn nucph uyo ldaeorvf oghuth tfiru nhcup tifru ecxat,. Hpyap ,laoervl pyrett 'reoyu. Tlils rbae l,merveewdho ey'rou p,hayp 'yuero but htwi dtesessr scyleeialp adn. Fro a canctediav uto t,eim ecavcin ta 'reyuo adnpmcei nad gnol sah eht eth been ubt illts fluyl lra,ge. N,oe btu eon eth uoy ouy elvdo atht evha no uory ouy mmesru itqu adn meor vene ovel pscuam hatt jbo, musdbas oyu. Hginst et,bret ibt etdfinrfe sltil awsy si tbu avhe amyn ngtote csifinnigtyla leif kcyr,o ni a. .

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