Time Travelled — 12 months

A letter from May 7th, 2020

May 07, 2020 May 06, 2021


Peaceful right?

Hi *****, I've been dealing with this for a while, and I just need to talk with somebody about it. I think that I may be Lesbian or Bi. I've felt this way for a long time, but I've just ignored it or told myself I'm 'confused'. My parents are homophobic, they were raised conservatively, and I don't want to talk to them about it. They don't know yet. The church at ****** is really open-minded, and I just need some help working through this. I don't want my parents to know (at least not yet), so sticking with e-mail would be good. Thank you for being there, ***** That's the letter we just sent to our pastor. If not now, when? Sure, it's Coronavirus. Sure, I'm quarantined in with my homophobic parents. Sure, I have absolutely nowhere to go and no resources to speak of. Sure, I'm currently sitting in a closet (really) crying. Sure, I'm mentally probably not ready for this. But, if not now, when? Wherever you are, good luck. And I love you. And so. does. God. -You a year ago


2 days later

Hi dearie,

Well, it's a been a year, that's for sure. A long, 15 months of March with life transformations packed in to the brim.

I suppose you'll...

Antw ptueda an. . . Eb qeu,er am, i aualpnexs ot icfepsic dnd,eie. Dna nronnbayi okto tuhgoh nrhateo 5 eugrif ot atth out as ro 4 tnohms l,wle. Alutac huepiroa geiv tmei egnerd dan neam a em sf,reh ,own ngitsel wen eno, ehva nda orf hte mcudebrnneue sonunopr enw htta tsrfi a i.
The reumsm aws. . . Wsa nad on,lg oot lfla eth. For eimt dan levi trnure hiwt to and ot tparesn then the wnret,i aemc my. . . 'nitdd i. Slacl no mfor of dne ot hnet a rtieh i dan nipca a efreil, otu th,em tmeh meac adn rtaficn week fo srhu left ntatncos. Pdee ot pecetx nad epde, nisntdaeunrdsmig afluesr me dan. Dt'din tihw tmosnh ot nda eht,er rtrune ithw dnofu ot i antdsie ,so uktcs ailfmy ,ayonpmc snpde osem iehtr tofugcnfias vile meemrsb. Yoevll neeb dna 'ist.
Uoy epedxtce evah sthgin sa sltceery aym ehrot eahv geahncd ot,o. Ton ptra irtcnhais ovel ym od m'i hhwci keep tsnacirhi ni oruy teews fo ot is so'gd omraeyn i fretsof a trseapn ndi,)m ehtsdar a swa iapcrtpaee ouhg(th rfo wtah ym. Agsentrde i s,efhidt reve ehva enbe ogltuhrhyo elhiw ont fomr idnf i i ,eedoepvld ot nay whta e,asc be, in nad htta ,flmyes deus nhta instgh nwhe dan evn(e dna namy tslil 'im heav hay)pp ohw aerphip.
U,uetrf hte ni meos fro oelfpuh im' syaw. Nda lwoeh a hte poeh as laso lpntae ubaot dna mpcissteiis of unxsaoi eht. Descrs,o rhitg? rginsfe.
Ptcec,aaenc arde ot oy,u nda ym v,oel egndnis back anotidvlia.

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