Time Travelled — almost 1 year

You'll see better days

May 01, 2007 May 01, 2008

Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, So, it hasn't been the best past few months. Moving out to California has not been without its pains. Literal and figurative. First with the headaches and then the tragic tennis hip accident, more headaches, the mysterious aneurysm, the constant hip and back fiascoes... and always the headaches. Just when I start to feel better I always seem to break myself again. I've spent more time in bed, or on drugs, or in tears, or... a charming combination of the three. And when I'm not battling the physical, it's been hard living in a new city and not knowing many people or having that sense of home you crave. Not having any of my girlfriends out here, and not being able to really maintain a connection to the friends of the past has not been easy. I've struggled with finding a job and being happy in one. I have cried way too much over the past 9 months and know there's another year out here to content with. But with that... With all that... This has also been one of the best years of my life. I wouldn't have made it through and continued to battle against all aforementioned odds if it hadn't been for him. Robert has filled me a love I never knew before. He's made me so happy and taken such good care of me, I know it's all worth it. He's hugged and kissed me throughout each set of tears and ache and pain. He's encouraged and supported me and made me laugh, which I'm so very grateful for. I know that he loves me and that this is going somewhere. So, I write this, hoping that in a year I can look back at all the hard times and be in a place to know without a doubt how worth it it was. I want to be able to reassure myself I can make it through some hard times and how important it is to have even one person there to help me do it. I want to remember how much I love and value Robert and how I know I can count him to help me through. Keep your head up kiddo. It's all for something. Love always, me

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