Time Travelled — almost 1 year

A letter from October 9th, 2019

Oct 09, 2019 Oct 09, 2020

Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, My favorite food is pizza rolls, I’d rather avoid octopus. My favorite thing to learn is math, my favorite color is black or grey. My best friends are Jordan, Kalen, Dalton, Nolan, and kyler. My favorite games to play are R6S and GTA V. When I have free time I watch YouTube. My favorite books are The Randoms series. My favorite movie is The Joker 2019. My favorite holiday is Christmas. Thing i do well are video games. Things I need to practice more are not being shy. My favorite place to go is Punta Cana, Mx. My favorite family activity is playing Call Of Duty or board games. My favorite things about home is video games. My favorite thing to do outside is to run with my dog. My favorite chore is laundry. My least favorite chore is cleaning. My favorite song is Magic by Young Gravy. I want to be a part of CSI when I grow up. I really want to go to Germany. I had no favorite part of last year. Something sad that happened last year is that my dog died at 8 months. When I get up in the morning I eat breakfast. My favorite part of each day is when I get home. My favorite holiday is Christmas. My favorite drink is Mr. Pibb Xtra. My favorite activity is running with my dog. Something new I want to learn is being better at games.

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