Time Travelled — 12 months

A letter from September 26th, 2016

Sep 26, 2016 Sep 26, 2017

Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, 11:55AM You have just turned 22 years old yesterday. About a year ago you just turned 21. It is a strange feeling, I would imagine. I hope you are happy of where you are in life. I know currently I am indifferent. I just finished a meeting with Carlos Evans on how I should focus more on my one thing. Basically of focusing on the tasks of a buyers agent. A few months ago I would be offended. But honestly, I am humbled. My goal is for my mother and father no longer needing to work. My goal is for me to obtain a property every year. I want to be financially free. So maybe I should be a great buyers agent for EPG. I think I will attempt it. Humble myself and give it my all. Let me know (I guess I'll know by then) how everything is. You are currently talking with Cindi, I wonder where you guys are at that time. You also recently bought a gumball machine, I wonder if you grew on that. You brother has been attempting to open his own business. Also you are desperatley trying to make money to start school again hopefully you have obtained your associates from MC by then. Anyways, if you arn't where you want to be, at least be closer than from where I am today. And if whatever reason the worst has happened or maybe you are just going through a tough time... Remember Julio, you have never been a quitter, you are not one now and I know you aren't one then. Its in your blood, your DNA to keep pushing and pushing. And if you fall. Get up, wipe yourself clean and get back to the hustle. P.S have attached an ugly picture of me holding you S7 edge phone with date. You are in the EPG office.

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