Time Travelled — almost 6 years


Jul 05, 2009 Jul 05, 2015

Peaceful right?

Dear Lily, Don't be scared... the person sending this is you. That's right, you. Maybe you remember me: the curly-haired, mischievous ten year old that was once you... but I suppose not anymore. I suppose you, I've, changed... I hope you have. I hope you've grown up, and I hope you're braver... and I hope you're different, that you don't care about what other people think anymore. Most of all I hope you're happy. Does it sometimes seem like you're the only one who understands yourself, and that other people's advice doesn't cut it? How'd you like advice from me? Yourself? I don't know if you remember, but I always say, "If I can't be who I want to be, brave and smart and famous, then I want to live my life to the absolute fullest and love every single second." Remember that? I still mean it. And the person who is going to be the most disappointed in you if you can't, if you won't, is me.... is you. I wonder what's happening with you. Is life good? Is it fair? But I can't spend all my time worrying about the future or dwelling on the past... I've got to concetrate on now. Take the advice from someone who means it. Me. You. Be happy. Love Lily

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