Time Travelled — almost 3 years

A letter from August 27th, 2013

Aug 28, 2013 Aug 28, 2016

Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, You started college this week, and you have really fucking high hopes and serious worries. The hopes include a great education, fantastic friends and independence. the worries are that by the end you will lack entirely any friends whatsoever because you suck. Also. I don't know if you remember, but you worry a lot about being fetishized. Or a lot of things about bisexuality in general. At least your roommate isn't your type. That probably would have caused problems. how does one casually come out? You don't need to tell people you're straight so I hate that if I don't tell someone outright I'm bi, they will take it as a betrayal or that I'm not comfortable with who I am when really it just never comes up in conversation and really is just a product of a heteronormative world. Also, already people think you're hot, which is a novel experience really. Not entirely, but it's new to actually be told that, not in a skeevy way, you feel me? And you've made friends, but you're never sure if they want you there, that much hasn't changed. Anyway, I hope it went well. Love, me

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