Time Travelled — almost 6 years

is this! no idea what was going on

Mar 26, 2011 Mar 26, 2017

Peaceful right?

Dear Future J, I hope you're alive to read this. JK...but seriously. When this was sent you were 22, just graduated (a week after your "spring break" started) and trying to figure out life. Today I got rejected when applying at Portland. C. grill cuz I didn't have enough restaurant experience. I hope when reading this you can smile knowing that wasn't God's desire for your life. I have intentions to act on dreams of getting some screenplays sold by the time I'm your age. Did it happen? If not, why? AND why don't you go back to it? Tell me God has done more for you. You should give Kent a call if it's been more than a month since you've seen him. He used to be (971)506-5368. At this time (just to make you snicker) I think you should know that you just got over Rasberry CC icecream (as you and T-reaves used to call it) and have a shallow short term PC on Shell-fish (Douglass) if that makes sense. I hope you waited or are still waiting for God's best for you. Remember you're always quick to crush, but you need to be quicker to seek God's will in all things. I pray for your marriage often, but should more. I hope God is in the midst of answering. How many languages do you know? is your spanish better? is your ASL? PLEASE tell me you've used them for good. Are you where God wants you? If you're anything like you were when you wrote this, you probably still have more questions than answers. It's your mom's birthday btw! call her! take her out to dinner and tell her how much you love her. Find out which things are standing in the way of your goals. I want to go to Southern Europe, do you still? Spend the next five mornings in deep, intentional prayer contemplating whatever is weighing on your heart. Don't ever tire of doing what is good. Grand E, Carlie S., Cody, Ben H., Jason Wetz, Clay, Giordy, Brendon, J hoov, A Leonardo, T Becker. Has God used you in the lives of more? Keep dancing like you'll be a star one day, cuz you just might. I hope that if you're already married that you choreographed some kind of lovely wonderful dance! if it hasn't happened yet, learn that dance! Also a poem, a song, and a story are in line to surprise your wife on that day. if it's already past, there is never a bad time to present your wife with a poem or song or story about the progression of your love for her. Remember even in these days (years before marriage) you were cultivating ideas to express you affection. Every day until your girls' birthday you should write a poem about her...then deliver them in a meaningful container (maybe tell her she can't open the box until the following year on the day you started so she reads one each day until her next birthday). oh! also I'm going for locks of love right now but hate my hair long. (actually lately I've been ok with it but) I know i'm not going to like it by the time it's passed about 4 or 5 inches... Did you make it? have you at least once donated? do you still rant on in messages forever like I have here? You should remember that after you broke your heel not only were you not able to run again (though I still had ambition of completing a marathon! did you?) but had a looming $8000 bill that was just recently screened for financial aid at 100%. Say what!?!?! that means God covered you for thousands of dollars in a time where you had no money. you do, however, still have 6500 to pay to PSU. Loans? how did that all get settled? Are you still making every day a masterpiece? Have you developed an affection for reading? How many books do you read a year? 1 month? 2 month? 0 a month!? (better not be zero! if so start reading a book tomorrow! and enjoy it) How many times have you completed the bible? more than 5? I just want you know this is a time where I finally have hardly anything on the schedule and feel like God is telling me to stop like Jesus did when the bleeding woman touched his cloak. I'm freaking out a bit and wish I had answers to many of my prayers, in hindsight can you see where God has answered? He loves us so. Preach the gospel, change the world. Love everyone. When is the last time you saw Santino or Austy or Evan? Don't give up on your goals. Find out what's in your way and get over them. set a realistic timeline and do it. Praise God in all circumstances and keep growing. You better be close to Jesus than you are now. Much Love always, -You

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