Time Travelled — 4 months


Jul 11, 2007 Nov 15, 2007


Peaceful right?

Dear yourself, Hom nay kiem viec lam kho ghe, chan doi khong chiu noi. Chac minh khong chiu dc mat. Mai di nua xem co dc khong, neu mai khong dc thi het hi vong. Bi gio dang hoc PHP, khong kho lam nhung may nha cu qua nen khong cai dc dw8 buc minh, may kia hong xu mat. Khong biet tai sao, cung kha giu gin, the ma. Den gio dc hon 1 tuan roi, nguoi ta van chua sua xong, sao ma lau the. Khong co may kia, hoc may nay thay the nao, cu ma khong lam dc gi het. Thoi noi gi thi gi, chac den luc nay thi moi thu deu on phai khong. Xem nao co con choi voi huyen khong, hoc co tot khong, sap thi roi chu tam vaohoc di nhe,ah hoc thiet ke Web the nao, hoc tieng anh cn the nao, chac luc nay phai hoc xong roi, the con tieng nhat tham nhieu qua coi chung chet do. Uh ^^ the con nguoi yeu thi the nao nhi, gio thi cung phai co roi chu nhi,nguoi dc dc vao nhe. Neu yeu thi dung danhmat banthan minh nhe, yeu ma khong hanh phuc thi khong goi la yeu. Mong la minh se co mot nguoi that long ^^. Ma khong dc thi thoi, con tre ma hay thoai mai len.Moi thu deu co the xay ra. Khong biet luc nay moi nguoi the nao nhi Hb ne, duoi ca, u nua, minh van con than voi ho chu, Hb thi chac chan roi. Hom nay minh van mong la se tro thanh nguoi viet chuong trinh diet virut, hacker, cracker, chong lai nhung hacker ban thiu.( co lam dc khong T.T) ket thuc roi Good luck for you everytime Scop


about 9 hours later

Dear PastMe,


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