Time Travelling — about 2 months


Sep 01, 2006 Oct 27, 2006

Peaceful right?

today you have one year off drugs and off alcohol. A year before this you were smoking crack could not shower or bathe, was drinking a half gallon of vodka every 24 hours, couldnt get a job, just quit stripping, was dating an abusive man in the army, was lonely, wanted to die, only had 4 friends and they were crackheads, had no relationship with your parents, hated everyone, wanted people to give a shit about you, hit a school bus drunk at 3 in the after noon the you that is writing this is ten months sober and confused about life. but the obsession and craving to do drugs and alcohol is gone. you are happy, joyous and free. you live with mom and dad and are in school, doing really really well. you work at a full time job that values what you do for the company. your car is gone but dad lets you drive his new minicooper when you need to. you eat and shower and brush your teeth every day. you are a fully participating member of the recovery fellowship you belong to. You have a Higher Power in your life. You have people that love you. You are useful. You are content. You have a life you did no t think possible. How can this be something you did yourself? A Power Greater Than You is Working in Your Life. I love you. That is an odd thing for me to say about you today. But it is true.

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