Time Travelled — 12 months

Quarter century plus two

May 22, 2006 May 21, 2007

Peaceful right?

It's the day after your birthday right now, and you've spent the day looking for jobs in a dance studio and realizing that you should have stuck with one thing that you enjoyed instead of trying to do the "practical" thing and getting nowhere. You're about to embark on a pretty big adventure - leaving Dr. Jones to his ridiculous girlfriend and moving to San Diego. You have absolutely no idea how this will work, but part of you feels like it's the right thing to do. Hopefully Joseph Campbell is right and "following your bliss" will lead you to a place that's rewarding even if its not comfortable. It would be a shame to lose the car, though... All is well, your birthday was nice, Dr. Jones was genuine, and Bunny was fun. Right now your plans are to attend law school in 2007, but before then...before you committ to a life of utility instead of passion, you are going to try to write a novel, your first, and you are already in the preliminary stages of research and development. I wish you the best of luck; perhaps writing won't turn out to be your bliss, but it will be better than sitting around wondering if it is. Remember, don't ever settle - don't let guys persuade just because they want something and you want friendship. You managed to say no twice in a row now - keep it up! You deserve better than just being sexy. Make someone fall in love with you for your brain; it's the only thing about you that won't droop with age. Remember, the worst insult ever is, "You're pretty, but you're not very smart." Stay gold, be confident, and find something to do that expresses you. The rest will work itself out. Trust me.

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