Time Travelling — 12 months

The brightest moments between birth and death....

Dec 31, 2005 Dec 31, 2006

Peaceful right?

The brightest moments between birth and death.... So far... 1974, Summer, Which for some reason stays in my mind as one the best summers from my childhood, the holidays seemed to last forever, the sky was bluer than I can remember it being since, all was well with the world... ----------- 1977, Teenage life The Jam, Deep Purple, Bowie, girls, etc... ----------- Rose street between 19th and 27th Dec 1998 The one and only time where I had a perfect little box to live in, everything ordered and in it's place with plenty money in the bank. New movies (which I knew would be great) yet to watch, new music from my favorite bands yet to hear, Amazingly cool games that I had only begun playing and several books from my favorite authors yet to read. Needless to say, the very second I realised that I had attained this comfortable state I set about getting rid of it all. ----------- Agean, night, fishing boats I remember sitting on the shore of Naxos island, a warm night and a full belly, out at sea I watched the distant soundless lights of fishing boats moving to and fro... ----------- Paris, a night of wild sex with two beautiful women Nuff said... ----------- Arriving at Finesterra having walked there from Le Puy... I should have turned left and gone to Portugal, not right and returned to Scotland... I have never felt so well, in both mind and body, my life was never filled with so much potential... ----------- Sleeping beside my camp fire in the Namibian bush. -----------

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