Time Travelled — almost 6 years

Don't Panic!!!

Dec 11, 2003 Oct 05, 2009


Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, hello! well, last week i had a moment of absolute fear as i was brushing my hair one morning that i am nearly thirty and as yet still unmarried and not participating in climbing any kind of career ladder. the moment passed when i realised that six years off is not 'nearly' by any stretch of the imagination, and rational johanna once more regained the control she has so capably and efficiently been exercising for the past few weeks. however, not two days ago i was horrified to discover... A GREY HAIR this is not like the 'grey hairs' my mum delighted finding in my hair when i was 18 whilst we were in the middle of boots shopping in blackpool and shouting 'oo look a grey hair and you're only eighteen' and that upon examination turned out to be blonde. oh no. this was a real grey hair. so mild panic began to rise, especially as i recently spoke to simon the ex who is having a personal crisis about being thirty in 16 days time, and how he is not where he thought he would be now when he was 20. and i began to wonder about what i expected my life to be like when i am thirty and whether this is realistic or predictable. obviously it isn't the second. in my mind i thought, i'd like to be married to someone christian and intelligent who appreciates the arts and maybe have one child and another in mind. i would like to have pursued the beginnings of an interesting career that i could take up again once my children are at school in a few years time. and i'd like to not be living in fleetwood still. maybe not realistic either. the panic mounts as i realise that six years isn't very long at all to 'achieve' all of these things. and bear in mind that all the time my house is getting more and more in need of cleaning and tidying and i'm never at home because i'm out virtually evey evening spending my time talking to moody, smelly and wierd teenagers. if i can't organise my life so that my house is in order, how will i organise myself a husband, kid and career in the next 6 years!!! so i decided to find a box to empty some drawers to make more room for my socks, and this involved clearing out the cupboard under the stairs (it's amazing how things pile up on you in 12 months) which made me feel much better - having grappled with something monstrous and messy and overcoming it - and helped me find a box. what was in the now new sock drawers were bags and boxes of random bits and pieces that i have kept for years - letters, cinema tickets, teenage diaries, little notes from flatmates - nice things. i had a nice time sorting them all out and found a list i had made right at the end of university. you may remember because you were there, sitting in the crags and talking about what you would like to do with the rest of our lives - our ambitions and hopes, and alison walker was talking about how it would 'never be the same again - we'd never be together again - ever...'. anyway i wrote my list (and so did she i think) and this was the list i found - my list of life ambitions. some things are ridiculous e.g. 'live on orkney for a year' 'contribute something meaningful and memorable to society', 'write a novel' etc. but i ws very surprised to see that i have already fulfilled three of the things listed on 'My Great List of Lifetime Ambitions' - i have this year (very luckily, I feel) 'visited the Louvre', 'been to New York in the autumn' and 'stood on top of the Empire State Building'. it cheered me up. if i can tick off three things on my lifetime ambition list as fulfilled in 18 months then maybe i can expect to be vaguely happy in six years time. anyway, firmly back on planet earth and no longer having a premature mid-life crisis, i was fully equiped (ish) to break up a teenage girl cat fight last night at the dreamscheme and get a lift home in a police car. oh yes. very exciting. i hope you're feeling happy today - life's not worth panicking about is it? really? think about all the love and friendship you've experienced and thank God! or maybe you need a laugh now - in which case visit the world beard championship website. i always said i liked a man with a beard but this is really a bit much... http://www.worldbeardchampionships.com love you lots your slightly psycho 24 year old self johanna


1 day later

Dear PastMe,
Hello you
Grey hair! You have absolutely no idea. In six years time you'll realise that pulling out the odd stray grey is now no longer an option...

Nad ygdin vaeh uyo torser ot uyro irah lwli to. Einanenactm ihgh os yingnlyano. Ti htikn htat nad poen rsyae fo uyro glee ygind yde noguy nto si agter het u'yoll ot wiht rgeeiosnc oestntinni vy'ueo 'oulyl rvee 30 and akcrc own ni strta gnig,a irah ixs eraygflulc niogg lanps csebaeu to oto temi ahohtugl dan ega wsa lly'ou tog yreg lfuyl. Lltyato six thta tyweohlehedalr thiniw hte pasec acn nda pdepdro meses inesciprpl teh bracdeme eb eb ti yuro yesar os ledh lysrogtn fo nad diaesl pieoostp. Adn imerna otprmaitn !lefxlibe nitghs agnhce t'si to.
Oyu ldo - ads dierw i doom nad t)lfe nguntri oatub nikth lfee how to aoutb it's si'osnm 'hse so bmmeerer uyo (and 30. A salt tac'n h(wo nunf!y pome eth uyo i i itewr rmrbmeee i temi ti woetr uaobt a pome ihnkt. Eoryu' oryu hcmu esienrxspg ylclomenah to uot i haev tath )am sluo - ta dig etebrt atnh 'ill. Ot ntrekbrheoa utoab - esrsd seizs you're nhew h,mi wto get etg retah to dan efle tub uylrt aotbu ifle aetrg oyu i dpor oyu adn wlel llfu keta yb e,m yptter nthki igenb uoy. Lla odl not ads at nad. Ni het habtrdyi t3h0 irap nda a go ndiacgn fo yuo rossht dre arasduty yuor eeorfb tou nyti. Ehsrte' rgemandi geda eevn yu?o ayw uatbo 24 thta ,now era reu'yo on.
Ti ilechdnr kbare erardim ot utb ot i teha 'tnow uo'lyl dan you tno haev be ayn yuo dienyfilte. On lla rlyela drlcnihe nda the owtn' oyu mhcu )tor!fn mnid ttha ilpacsl(eye. Na ,raerce eikl resgtiinnte be aht'ts het ngibsingne nuipsgru uoy hepo you iwll aeeucsb fo. Ignnigbnes het 'ylolu to i'st eenveryo chact binhed ays esle yuo lefe stpereead fuynn eebcaus llighyts nda pu. Teaks eewr nitul it 'oyeur 62 wenh 24 ghikintn oyu ouy od nda ahntigyn ot ouy uatbo - reew it tsi' tgasern ielarse utoab tshi to.
Mkea ilgniv oly'ul oarmen!y tdo'n good otn edifliteny telofdoew 'uyoll nda aepces eb a,htt wrory ni utboa oryu. Hte stre of uory fylima wlil as. Kdni file ignmaie ilef of ewhn aevh htat eikl orf 03, coudl it ouy i fi hoep tawn syfloreu tmsgnoihe i looks hte hte oe'ury udy'o. Glyearl uyro uoy heser lnad ughthro necxigti and no kluc 'tsi rtypte ylrela fte,e. 'ueryo youdsiulclri atrftuneo.
Teh nac't em efli ot het btu er'ouy ofr indf '03 od i ti of tsil obfeer 'sinthg embrreem i. Tub to aeys i etmpy dwrear ldiev a xbo there si't igthn to now uoy yb eht otu ehnw teh atht idtdn' isnhtg fieldl lfei it istl too was ni ruoy ieacstddtr asw rleyuosf fdin imomiebarla okeodl ouy tgo aspt rtfaeonon aerdtce yman egnyer ahve yellar i uory ttah so nhew ouy smeaeow wo(,w teh owhle hte eht fo skco etg ni and ot ofr f)lotow!ede in. Yan deon tils sls,ib rciognane no of i pstudscee i atd'nh uceesba nad ghnist moer is teh the. - to teh orem lagd nerulcyrt ndageam fo ot stli fo i 'its mose bemererm gnhtarieen esamrd! i lfflui my htta oyu do ahtt hda mi' ared.
Ramocluius dotya ,you buoat nifeleg htwi i am sohdul nad atw'sh ot nicoedsr yphpa to neppha htat yuo. Gnibe nda eth opinst etcedaappir at fo tenmsom vrey ylol'u leef erasy 'nwto uyo aevh svteaeddat ialfyr ni enxt fwe. Sviruve o'uyll tub. 'luoyl tanh in fcat ,sirvuev roem. Sa nad eterarg nda ruetls a more aenlingfum gnia driespisnhf ou'lly. Dohl on os. Imte nhfpdisrei easriel - efraltgu in nad owh evry kntih for i to'dn leef cumh i od uoy loev neve lyou'l teh ldveo six aryes mreo fele i ahve. .
42 is ngnitoh. Bay!b 03 si is't rewhe at.
Fo oslt lveo.
But ,sriew hytuoflu esfl oruy adn ipsir,t ilslt reldo as in.
Nraodm iknl tanshk sp rof het.

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