Blog Writing letters to the future

How to write a letter to yourself: The gratitude list

Gratitude rhymes with attitude, and it is the attitude we apply to our lives that help us celebrate the present and be truly happy.

Published Mar 1st, 2022

Starting a new relationship with gratitude can provide a new perspective and appreciation for things. It can help others around you to feel amazing too! But what exactly is gratitude?

Gratitude is the concept of being thankful for what you receive. It is appreciating what you have and acknowledging the goodness in the people you are surrounded by. It includes being aware of your surroundings and appreciating simple things, such as the beautiful weather outside.

 It emerges from within you as you take a moment to pause and think about it. It can often be centred on the things we take for granted in life, and the things we overlook.

 Having gratitude keeps you focused on what you have in life (rather than the things you don’t have). Here are a few tips to get you started. Using these tips, you'll be able to create your own gratitude rituals, or use FutureMe letters to the future to help you practice.


Wake up and think of 3 things you are grateful for to kick-start your morning:

  • “I’m grateful for the beautiful sunrise I watched.”

  • “I’m grateful I’m feeling in perfect health.”

  • “I’m grateful my flatmate made me a yummy breakfast.”


The best part is, you can be grateful and express this to whoever you are with and wherever you are! Remember to thank the person who cooked your dinner:

“Dad, that dinner was AMAZING — thanks!”

Appreciate your partner for cleaning the house that day:

“I’ve never seen the house look so clean, thank you SO much honey!”

Show kindness to your colleague at work:

“I really appreciated you teaching me how to use the new printer!”


Writing things down can keep your mind staying positive and away from negative emotions.

Start a daily gratitude journal and write a letter to future self.

Today I am grateful for:




…And TA-DA you’re doing it!

But wait, there’s more…

Making a list of all the things you’re grateful for can have a spectacular effect on your health over time. It can:

  • IMPROVE your mental health

  • MAGNIFY positive emotions

  • REDUCE your stress

  • INCREASE your resilience

  • BUILD strong relationships

  • BOOST your self esteem

  • SUPPORT a restful sleep

  • DEVELOP healthy habits.

Having gratitude can warm your heart as you reflect on all the wonderful people and stories that have filled your life with such joy. Savor precious moments like these that make you smile.

Like the Frank Sinatra song goes, “When you’re smiling …when you’re smiling…the whole world smiles with you”. Telling people in your life how you feel and how much they mean to you can keep everyone smiling.

A smile can change the world, and happiness makes the world go round, after all.

Start a gratitude list today!