Time Travelled — 6 months

Dear Futue Me

Dec 02, 2010 Jun 01, 2011

Peaceful right?

Dear Henry, You're on your way to the gate. Hopefully you didn't mess it up on the way because that would be the stupidest thing in your life. You better have kept your grades up enough to not fail any classes. You are in such a good place right now hopefully you didn't do anything too dumb. At this time you are in love, with Danya. At this point in your life you feel fine with spending the rest of your life with her and would actually prefer it over anything else. Hope you weren't stupid with that too. You better have done well in fencing because it will be probably the last sport you do in your life and you loved it a lot. Your friends are very important to you in life and keep them close because they are your connection back to Culver. Have fun in college because you have been looking forward to it very much. Keep promises to yourself that you have made. Don't Be Stupid. Don't drink, don't smoke, don't do anything to mess up your body because you will regret it. You are not invincible and damnit you better believe it. Think back to people like Karson Pound. Life is very precious and you better appreciate every second of it. Shoot for the stars idiot, because i know you better than anyone and you are capable of so much. Life is now changing. You are no longer a child. This is the real world. You will be moving out and you will be living your own life. All in all Good luck, Hope you made me proud Love, Me

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