Time Travelled — 8 months

A letter from November 15th, 2020

Nov 15, 2020 Jul 03, 2021


Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, i hope i get to go to japan soon and that by grades aren't horrible i hope covid has gone away and that i got into boarding school if not..well i really gotta ask allisa what school she's going to so i can go there make sure to keep in touch with jesse and daniel and dyllan and especially issabella all of your friends in fact make sure to get all -ALL the beanies, i hope you made new friends,i hope you still love to draw and have gotten heaps better i REALY hope you still love bnha and haikyuu and all the animes and i hope you still have your awesome sense personality oh and um.... do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend yet? in know its a strange question but eh why not ask haha. anyway i hope the future is way better that now and i really hope covid is just a myth now were no one really remembers or cares about it anymore,(and i hope we didn't get a zombie apocalypse) also please tell me there's no more babies..that would suck oh and have you done any cosplays? i wonder what ones you've done you would ov had to of done deku by now anyway have you moved houses yet just wondering..well happy birthday goodbye


22 days later

Hellooo hooman


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