Time Travelled — over 5 years

April 19th, 2015. Don't mark this as spam, you twat.

Apr 19, 2015 Sep 19, 2020

Peaceful right?

Dear Jordan, Considering you're still alive and that you still use this email, this is an email from your 15 year old self. If you don't believe me, page 156 of your favourite book (from this year) has an adorable drawing of a dog on it. First of all, happy 21st birthday. Or if it's not happy (I don't know your circumstances), then all the best either way. Second of all, I wonder if you're still in contact with your High School best friend Emily at this point. If you're still friends, that's fabulous. If you go out (which you won't), from my past-tense perspective, even better. And it takes a lot to be even better than fabulous, doesn't it? That's taking it up to 11/10. If you've lost contact with them, unless you have a VERY good reason for not doing so, get back in contact. Seriously. If Emily's dead (just preparing you for everything here), go put flowers by their burial location if you know where it is. This is non-negotiable (unless you're 110% broke or live in a different country from said place). Thirdly, I hope you've done something about your whole gender thing by now. Like, dude, get your shit together. I know you wanted to do something about it even back when you were 15 and, hell, even back when you were 7 (but you just didn't know what "it" was). Who knows, maybe you have a beard or a moustache at this point. Maybe your voice has finally gone deeper. Maybe you got surgery for it. Or maybe you're dead. Or maybe you found out something different about your gender all together. I wish you luck in such endeavors either way. Fourth, I'm curious to know if you've gone out with anyone... at all. I know you're asexual, and you're biromantic, but at this point in time you've not gone out with anyone, so... what's the deal with that? You agreed to date anyone yet? Were/are they a mistake waiting to happen? I wish you luck in your romantic relationships anyways. Fifth, I hope you did okay in your exams in High School, because as you typed this, it was eleven days from your first exam and you were stressed as fuck... but avoiding studying anyways. Because we think things through SO well, don't we? So I hope that went okay, and if you're in college or university and/or have a job, good on you. Sixth, you've got a fuckload of issues with [social] anxiety, depression, cutting, suicidal thoughts and tendencies... the whole thing. I hope, if you're still alive, you don't isolate yourself as much anymore. I hope you've actually remembered to ask your friends how they're doing and assisted in any way that you can throughout the last five years and five months (fun fact: that's been 1980 days between this day in the past and your birthday in the present; what a satisfyingly even number). Seventh, at this point in time you were (kind-of) friends with people like Liz, Samantha, Elliot, Bryce, Hannah (S & C, despite shit that happened with S), Cara... even though back in time you were constantly paranoid about their opinions of you, I still am curious as to the fate of what happened with your friendship with them. If it ended well, then that's good. If it ended badly, then I hope you're okay. If it hasn't ended, don't be afraid to end it if you're miserable. If you're not miserable and it's not over, then... good good. [Intermission where I apologize for the amount of in-depth shit I'm saying right now] Eighth, I wonder what your music taste is. I don't know if it's still the same (y'know, Three Days Grace/Adam Gontier being your favourite artists, etc.) or if it's changed at all, but I hope you've got good music to listen to. If you're deaf, well, that's just unfortunate. Ninth, I know that you draw and write stuff a lot while you're 15, so if they're hobbies you've dropped due to feeling inadequate or anything like that, pick it up again. You're pretty decent at it, in your perspective. So there's that. Tenth, Jesus Christ, man, get in shape. At this point in time you've not even done PE for over a year (although for understandable reasons), and you are weak as hell. Plus, as motivation, if you ever want to be the romantic bastard that you are with carrying the one you love in your arms, you'd best get lifting dem weights. But don't forget leg day. Eleventh, if you've moved out of your childhood house by now (as much as you loved it), I hope your current living accommodations are at the very least bearable. I hope that if you've got a roommate... well, read the above sentence. Take out the trash and remember to pay bills (if you can afford to). I can't think of anything else to add to this, so I suppose that's it. Well, good luck in life, or if you're dead, then, well, shit. From, Your past self.

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