Time Travelled — 5 months

What's The Word?

Aug 11, 2007 Dec 25, 2007

Peaceful right?

Hey future me. I originally was planning on making this short and to the point but..come on, we've never been that way. Well, maybe you are. Who knows? In the time it takes you between when I send this and when you read it you might be a completely different person! Creepy isn't it? To think that what you are right now could be completely separate from what you originally thought you would end up being. Remember that time you got addicted to pain pills because they made you feel outgoing and fun? Life was a lot easier then wasn't it? Maybe you're back on them by now..I guess I kind of wish I was too. Days like these drag on way too much and no matter how happy I feel I know that it's a desperate struggle whereas medication would do it in a heartbeat. Are you still smoking? God, that stuff will kill you. Hopefully you haven't gotten sick from it yet. At least nothing serious. Though it'd be pretty awesome to have that smokers voice. Jack Bauer shit, for real. Just so you know today is a day after coming home from the Warped Tour. Your highlight of your day was when you got to sing with a ton of other kids with the lead singer of So They Say. That was awesome man! Have you met any other bands? I hope you've met The Format by now. They are after all our favorite band, hands down. I hope they released news about the new album. Some new tracks at least. Hopefully it'll be as amazing as Dog Problems was. I would imagine you've lost a few of your barely there friends by now. You know the ones. If not, congrats dood. The mainstays are still there though, I'm sure - Holly, Jess, Meg, Brian, Steffi, and the rest. I hope Guitar Hero III and Rock Band were as amazing as you thought they'd be. Lord knows you don't need more disappointment in your life. I would imagine John's gotten a little better at playing but he's probably still playing only the most basic bass lines. How the hell is he gonna play Dead or Alive? Manny's likely found a long term girlfriend by now, what with him being so attractive. The bastard got all the good genes of the family and left John and I to rot! The fuck! I wonder if you've got a girlfriend. It's certainly possible but only if you've decided to take life by the balls. Getting your license, getting a job, putting shit to rest. I HOPE, sincerely, that you've done those things at least. I also sincerely hope that you've swept some cute, intelligent, funny girl off her feet and that she really appreciates you the way you deserve. If nothing's happened - don't worry man. You've been through this type of shit before. Remember the drought before Emily came along? And remember how amazing that ended up being..for a while? Speaking of which..yeah. You know. Emily. I hope you're past it by now. At this point in time I still think of her a lot. A lot a lot. Fortunately her songs have stopped playing so much but it doesn't help. Even when you see her on MySpace you get torn up. You wish you could just say "hey, you look incredible," but her douchebag boyfriend told you off. Surely you remember. And yes, it's hilarious, but still..you'd like to at least be able to speak to her. Did you ever send her that CD she wanted? At this time you were contemplating doing it just as a final "hey, we never worked out but I wish we did," sort of present. It's doubtful though. Maybe she's single by now. Maybe you're talking to her right now! But being realistic and to quote Boys Night Out "right now..things aren't looking good." Speaking of music - right now you're really getting into Stars because of listening to it on the ride home from Warped with Holly. "When there is nothing left to burn you have to set yourself on fire." Otherwise it's the norm - Format, the GHII playlist, the latest Rooney CD, etc. Powerpop for life of course! I hope you've seen The Rocket Summer. God, they were amazing at the Warped Tour. He didn't even skip a beat when he dodged a fucking water bottle thrown at him! Hardcore skills to say the least. So I guess in the end what this letter is saying is this - I hope you've gotten a job, a license, and at least something tangible in the relationship area. And I really truly hope you've gotten complete closure on the Emily situation because..God, speaking for now, this hurts like hell. Everything seemed so perfect and then things just fell apart. It's such a shame..she was..she IS..so perfect. But this just wasn't meant to be, I guess. You can't lose faith. Even if you're not over it by the time you read this - don't worry. It's tough but you've been through worse. Remember Carly? Still..Emily was something special. Hopefully you've found somebody by now that's made your heart skip a few beats. I only wish the best for you my man. Oh, and when you get this - be sure to give all those friends your regards. They've stuck by you and they so deserve some recognition for it. I hope by now they're all as happy as they should be..especially Jess. She's still really special to you right? Not like a girlfriend type of special but..an amazing person kind of special. Let her know that when you read this.

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