Time Travelled — 12 months

The secrets for all to witness

Nov 26, 2006 Nov 26, 2007

Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, The question remains as to whether it has unfolded as seen on that night in the W hotel in 1997. Did the hole open up and the bright light seen? The journey is one of quiet ominence with a smile and fortitude, always aware of watchful eyes. The biggest brother speculating the questionable. There is always two sides to every coin and as such, I believe that humanity will stand tall and together. The sceptre of dissent cannot withstand the joy when unity prevails. 1000years is but a blink of the eye when a soul remains awake and alert. Cyberspace is but a distant memory of random bits of nonsense. Has it been defragmented by now? This is the fork in the road that will determine the time from now till then - Love dissolving the darkness! May my words be a beacon of hope, for the future to be rewritten. Any shadow of disdain dissolved. onamish

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