Time Travelling — over 2 years

You still alive?

Jan 25, 2004 Jul 31, 2006

Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, if you are reading this then holy shit you have defied the odds and are still alive... Well, this being january 25, 2004 if you can remember what all is going on, right now we're sitting at the computer in the training office while it snows and hails outside here in virginia. Our body all but completely wrecked, and our mind not far behind. I have the utmost confidence that if you've made it this far then there is nothing more that can stand in you're way... Though I am curious as to how everything we wanted to accomplish turned out *scratches head curiously* Returning our body to it's former strength, straightening out the situation of our feelings for sam, and just returning to a state of half-assed normalcy. Well, we never were much for talking, even to ourself so I shall cut you loose my friend. I hope you are doing well, and if you are ever in need of some form of help, just look to the past and remember that nothing could ever get the best of you...nothing. ~{Trowa}~

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