Time Travelled — 10 months

A letter from Oct 01, 2022

Oct 01, 2022 Aug 05, 2023


Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, Or should I saw new and improved self, I hope that you are being kinder to yourself and have managed to silence (atleast sometimes!!) the niggling negative nancy that lives in your mind. Here's a reminder that you are more than enough and whilst you haven't always believed this the time is now to remind yourself. Please remember the much younger you and she is who we are doing this for, she does not deserve a life filled with self doubt and missed opportunities (and neither do you my darling ) Writing this currently with tears in my eyes - very annoying as I have freshly applied makeup but hey ho **** happens. Please continue to be the best version of yourself - continue to be selfless in a sense however I want you to be selfish with your time, energy and attention. These are very very precious. Fingers crossed life is making a little more sense to you and friendships and work are thriving for you. Great things are coming, All my love xoxo


9 months later

My love, I say this with a smile (and tears but this is me we're talking about) It's been a minute and...

I astwn' ltas -oensar to eth hraidtyb ni my plcae owrsd uyor i fro a in hiktn yrae ohtnesy aedr no lla wekn evusreni earwthev. Nkdi mngittptea ot a reya nda ill' fo eb ti ltsa by sihesapn of stomyl moes urb,l ewke sinntgscoi tnhoes swa nikatg eteacr ekew. Tulyr dekcche i was lewl uot obvreenm dan by. Ahd dviese,ic ets a ians wen ynuarja meoc ni rowvehe mdteendrie. Vteini feli rof ookigln carshe ehs eniwiretv adn to an ro,wk ew erh no na idddcee dtrtesa after teklca thwi ahd llfu eahd mite dmhuigenrelwn. Ylenar kepo rteih go dtrie haed to eevn tbahsi ldo ndtdi' we nad. Oewvher dmanega rlaiyf a itndniagimit eht 3 ot hiwt semneoo assmh fo teerniivw we neapl wmeno. Eth lt,detes uyo tmnhos in erev o'dtn bniglegon flee perpsou sense rea elegfin i dna emta nda a rfbeoe nwko ear 3 have of vrye nad fi dcrleeinib i bauto won i. 2 adn ufcsiogn we evah pu ilned lhehta osydailh oru are on onw. Vhae tantiouis :) nigvli so and salayw hold we vole i niagerrdg hope wlli meit emso speak toushhtg eisngdn ! i eth iotvespi wsne teh tigth xxxx tnex.

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