Time Travelled — 10 months

A letter from Oct 01, 2022

Oct 01, 2022 Aug 05, 2023


Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, Or should I saw new and improved self, I hope that you are being kinder to yourself and have managed to silence (atleast sometimes!!) the niggling negative nancy that lives in your mind. Here's a reminder that you are more than enough and whilst you haven't always believed this the time is now to remind yourself. Please remember the much younger you and she is who we are doing this for, she does not deserve a life filled with self doubt and missed opportunities (and neither do you my darling ) Writing this currently with tears in my eyes - very annoying as I have freshly applied makeup but hey ho **** happens. Please continue to be the best version of yourself - continue to be selfless in a sense however I want you to be selfish with your time, energy and attention. These are very very precious. Fingers crossed life is making a little more sense to you and friendships and work are thriving for you. Great things are coming, All my love xoxo


9 months later

My love, I say this with a smile (and tears but this is me we're talking about) It's been a minute and...

On ot wsodr lla aeyr hyirbtad i erueinvs in eht eetrawvh iknth ne-rsoa lsat rdea nt'was yuro my heyonts cplae i ni a rfo ewkn. Gkniat aeectr tlsa aeyr be nesoht of ewek smoe inkd ekwe heansisp lytosm fo itsnnscigo by lil' to l,rub nmeptatgti ti saw a dna. By uyrlt i ewll was tuo adn vbenmero hkceced. In aayrunj nais ecmo wen mtndederei a tes dvcsieei, hda oeewvrh. An nad hade secahr reh aretf ineitv ew lefi ogiolnk no decided an to hnldenumigwer iwth kow,r adetrst reteniwvi hes for dah ufll lcaekt meit. Og dt'dni sthbia nad vene ew retih to kepo nyarle iedtr odl ehad. Aiigmnitntid onmew evrewoh filayr a lnaep we thiw eirtvewni shsam ot 3 eth nmagade of onmoese. I i 3 slttdee, ear ahev moshnt vyer era mate ilfngee uyo erfboe ggiennbol adn konw neess ond't lefe eerv a the i adn neiiblcdre psruope adn otuab in fi own of. Thhlea uro oscfunig dan 2 laoshydi eilnd pu eahv ew now on rae. Iwll gdniagrer ohld ! senw haev xtne nsigend the oevl we paeks os uotainsti i poeh vilgin miet httig stuoghht eosm dan :) teh xxxx sawlya i pivsoiet.

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