Time Travelled — almost 3 years

A letter from May 15th, 2020

May 15, 2020 May 15, 2023


Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, It's been 2 months since we went into lockdown. The world outside is empty. Tumbleweeds blow through Time Square. The Sidney opera house is silent. The Mona Lisa has to make do with small snippets of attention from a passing security guard who, frankly, isn't convinced she's all that. The only places still bustling are Intensive Care Units. We still don't know when it's all going to end, and my anxiety is mounting. I'm almost paralysed by it. It's impossible to know how much of my fear is altruistic... a kind of existential pain for a world that's suffering. The truth is, I think, that most of my anxiety is shallow, selfish. I'm upset I can't hug my mum, that she's in another country and it could be months, even a year, before I get to see her again. I'm worried that I'm too stupid or lazy to complete my dissertation. My Masters degree hangs in the balance. Complexities surrounding placements and Coronavirus mean that it could be another year before I'm qualified, and this uncertainty panics me. Beneath that is a fear that I'm not sure I even want to be qualified, and that beginning a career in the health service currently feels wholly overwhelming. In a way, the millions of ill and dead and destitute and abused show the folly of my petty worries. My privilege, my luck, to be young and healthy and pursuing a post graduate degree. But the fear still remains, a panic that my body can't forget no matter what my mind tries. I try to forgive myself, because I am unwell. Mental illness is a part of my story. Fear, dread, depression. Sometimes I find myself unable to move. Sometimes it turns into pain, nausea, fever, like my mind is overflowing and poisoning my body. But I meditate, and I breath through it, and I try to live a life that makes sense, that isn't about staying safe. I'm in love too. He squeezes me tight when it all gets to much. He moors me to the surface of the earth so I don't float away. He's something physical to touch. Something beyond the anxious uncertainty of social media with its unread messages and ambiguous emojis. I'm 24 next week. There's something to that. There's something powerful about knowing that time is still passing even as we're all standing still. I enjoy my birthdays. I'll drink champagne, and eat cake. I'll open gifts. I celebrate being as loved as I am. Being young, and beautiful, and being in love with a handsome man who fully embraces even my defects. I won't ask you any questions, future me, even though I have many. I'm sure I know all that I need to. I hope that you still meditate. I hope you are still in love. I hope you are filled with gratitude when you hug your mum. I suppose I am writing to remind myself that there is a future. Now, more than ever, glib remarks about apocalypse and the inevitability of death have become commonplace. It feels as if this virus has turned us all into Nihilists. But I believe in survival, kindness, and the human spirit. And I believe in you. Best Wishes, future you. xx


2 days later

Dear Past Me,

Thank you for your letter. The notification flashed up while I was on a treadmill at the gym. I felt shocked for a moment. It was like...

Acn ocne nwo yelabr ldvoe fmro ahinrge btu pedlye dcihoolhd e,nifdr uyo esooenm a bmrreeme. Hte a uyo me, enon slse utb g,irthle rexescepien me ubt era efw. .
You gnlo aeddggr cppyselaoa het wtan how orf no to i letl td'no. I ebascue if i wtd'uo,ln elso ot oyu i neve 'dotnuwl du,clo atnw oehp. Utb you i kown lwuod ahtt oyu tbreet uoy rea adn ntwa rfo to ti rivsv,edu. Ot nokw htta i ear nwta apyhp uyo odluw ouy. .
Ltea uryo nylo erdege wksee neidhfis you 6. It 'ntwsa syae. You gnnibgisen lretet slogin ni of yrou lteusb csnoreeig i uryo idnm eth. It tgo otg eswro erfobe it brtete. Ni het ulysefro you a fro eybarl reoegndisc riromr lhie,w. .
Be ewre ot cakb yuo paretns yuo htwi tiwrign ot uryo ilaednr hwne ovdme ryou seiidoratnts. Wsa it rhared eb roiedyfnb u,tb elwi,h reoetght to aws rdah aawy from orf to uoyr it a eb. Reoth sdnmi emlycpoelt to ysad olwcdokn uor to tseho eahyv sodhrued dna atth abmeec ntaixey trssgrean osuvrlees ew so ceha iurngd. .
Oru wya rhotuhg eht ahnt dfnuo rorsetgn eevw' enbe t,smei bck,a ahdr we evre. Epoprods ,0202 he cbeemder ni. As tnxe rasnrvaeyni ish eno ouy rae nthmo ryea feiw aretlgicben oyur. Is agermria. . . Lewl. . . Hiktn ftnoe fo giebn oulcd i wef,i nkwo yuo yaild joy eht sih psysboli etdri oghhtu t'nod you ahve i mneiagi. Ewidngd otn of met het hvae yuo ndluorwef at eevn oplpee yman rouy os. How dwolu eno oyu eerth, uhgotht tasn'w be p,osren ayslwa. Ievdnit hse owdn uoy etl ttha tnw'as oyu uhrt enev nda emllpotcey seh so. Hse si own yuo snrtgare a to. .
Oen na oyu tihs,taerp a ear luccotoaiapn nda odog. Elvo boj uoy oryu. Thsi in yuo het shpoiatl iengawr lniyfal a hvae fsatf tpos psyarchciti nbee k,wee to work ldlwoae nda, assmk. Guhhto eht neylar woh wlrod ot durtener rboeef it hsa man,rlo ti asw llwi evner laxetyc eb. .
Rea uyo sthi dnweeek 27. Oyu ot dabsunh uoyr to (!) aerlecetb oladnp is ntgika. Fere wvehreer uoy ot rae lervta uoy elki. Itwce ryou oyu yuo uoy ,acpm to tub gmy lslti og eyc,cl teh d,eemitta uyo kwee enfsrid olsa wtih a. The to oyu nad ti ldwor up tivrgyhene sha nope oednep hsa inag,a so offer to are. Too evga olt ,otl utb a cndpimea a it tkoo eth you. Fteaed ,ouy toilwehwhr is frae onatcn yuro levo ti si htat eohsdw and ksema vrthgyieen trs,ho lfie yuo lefi. .
Lv,oe of sotl.
,uyo uefurt.

This user has written an update to this letter.To see what they wrote, please


12 months ago



12 months ago

I teared up reading your letter <3

It feels like a whole different life ago.

I hope you are doing amazing wherever you are - and whoever you are and is reading this.

We made it through <3


12 months ago

This is the most emotional I’ve ever felt. You described perfectly how I was feeling when the world went silent.


12 months ago

Thank you for sharing. Thank you for updating. You’re a very good writer and I’m so happy things worked out well for you.


12 months ago

I have two words for this... Emotional, Inspiring.

Thank you for inspiring me.


12 months ago

this was amaziig!


12 months ago

We did it luv! We made it! Hope you're happy. Thank you for holding on. I'm proud of you


12 months ago

I hope you graduated girl <3


12 months ago

loved that ✨ It translates many feelings all of us had been through


12 months ago

I have almost forgotten what lockdown felt like... It was so long ago!

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