Time Travelled — over 5 years

Hey assbut

Aug 22, 2014 Feb 22, 2020

Peaceful right?

Dear Assbut, DONT YOU MOTHERFUCKING TELL ME U DO DRUGS, SMOKE, OR DRINK!!!!!! Here are some things for you to know. First off, happy birthday. Second off, I love u. Third off, you're beautiful. I hope you dont remember who this is from because that would be AWKWARD!!!!!!! How's lelia? Is annika still around? How bout that silver knighthood? What about the twins? Yah let me guess missy. U FORGOT ALL ABOUT BODIE NOW DIDNT U! HUH? HUH? YAH KNOW UR CALLING HER RRRIIIGGGHHTTT NNOOWW!!!!!!!!! Bi Assbut, Person

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