Time Travelled — almost 6 years

failure, loneliness, fatness, no change

Oct 01, 2008 Oct 01, 2014

Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, you were a failure in school, u demanded too much from your friends, you've always wondered why u never have a boyfriend. you were generally sad. you just got new glasses last thrs. you have another exam this week, like the past 3 months. you got tired, people hated you, a guy you admired said the most vile things, the organization you're president of just cant do the project, you might fail because you're not studying you didnt loose weight. YOU DIDNT DO THE CHANGE U THOUGHT WOULD HAPPEN IF U LEFT... OR HAD NEW ENVIRONMENT (THE NEW BATCH) so my question is... r u laughing right now? or has nothing changed? (like u thought it would)

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