Time Travelled — about 4 years


Oct 30, 2010 Oct 31, 2014

Peaceful right?

Hiya Conniefan17, So. Here's a letter reminding you that SPIKE is THE NUMBER ONE BEST GUY IN THE WORLD, VAMPIRE OR OTHERWISE. So go watch Buffy right now or HPF will bash your brains out with a sharp object. Luv ya, Seneca Ps- depending on how old you are when you get this... make sure to show this to a bf or Griffin, which ever is more convenient :) See ya someday! Pps- I really hope you wore that tinfoil hat... otherwise you'll never get this email. Oh well, if this is an alien reading this message, sorry Seneca didn't wear her tinfoil hat. Your loss. Now you'll never get to know this amazing girl... oh well. Bye!

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